
Building a Leadership Development Program from Scratch

How do you build a leadership development program from scratch? It is a questions posed to me and it would not leave my brain until I wrote it down. Talent management is about great conversations, and leadership development is about structuring those conversations around experiences, self reflection, and networking. It can be done well and with a single currency – time from other leaders.

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Rethinking The Leadership Book Club – 3 Tips To Increase The Impact

Talent management is about great conversations. Book clubs can be a powerful talent management tool because any size organization can do it. Here are 3 tips for increasing the impact of the experience on the people and the organization. Remember it is a conversation, not a lecture. Talent management is about great conversations.

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3 Simple Habits To Help Strengthen Teams

Are there things about you that people do not know? We all know the answer to that question – but is anything on that list that they need to know? Maybe you love to problem solve. Maybe you led a team of 20 people at one point in your career. Maybe there is some part of the business you want to learn more about. Maybe you get 150 emails a day and prefer phone calls. Talent management is about great conversations. Here are some tips that leaders/teams can use to share that information.

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Tracking My Happiness – Final Report

Talent management is about great conversations. I took a happiness survey and found that it could be a great development tool that has the potential for providing both. Here are some of my results, how they hit me, and how this could be a great leadership development tool for any size organization.

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Time – What does your graph look like?

Time management and talent management go hand in hand. How do you spend your time? How should you spend your time? Whether you are an entrepreneur or a seasoned leader immersed in an efficiency or growth challenge, this is worthwhile exercise for you and your team.

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Introversion (TED video) and trUYou

Talent management is about having conversations. It is also about people bringing self awareness to the conversation and using that information to have a more effective conversation. This post uses a TED talk about introversion to explore what we (leaders and followers) need to do to make this a rich conversation. Great talent management is enabled by self awareness.

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Assessments: 4 Traps and 1 Truth

Assessments in talent management – whether it is selection, high potential development, career development, leadership development, or any of the other pieces – is important. Here are 4 traps and a truth around using asssessments so you can make a good buy instead of being sold something that will not work.

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Onboarding Equation . . and 4 Ways to Influence it

Talent management is a lot of things, but great conversations during transition is a big part of it. Chip Conley shares an equation in his book Emotional Equations that captures the essence of Selection AND Onboarding the right way. Whether it is an internal leadership transition or a new hire, use this formula to manage your talent to a successful start.

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Time – How to have this discussion

Leadership and talent management is about helping organizations and people succeed. Time is almost always a barrier, and here is a classic tool from Stephen Covey that can help sort through things.

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Are you a BUT or AND leader?

Small words that have a big impact – BUT / AND. A cornerstone of leadership development is communication, which is part what we say and part getting people to listen. Talent Management is about conversations that happen and are healthy exchanges. One of these words sets a healthy tone for an exchange, and the other too often shuts it down.

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Universal truths: Leadership, Parenting . . . and conflict

Professional development and talent management is often focused on the skills we need at work. Many of those same skills apply to our lifes/roles outside of work. I was reminded of that recently when I went to a parenting seminar and learned something that most leaders need to know – managing conflict and teaching your children to do it well.

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Leadership: The Power (And Trap) Of Non-Verbals

Leaders need to understand non-verbals, and they need to be comfortable and competent in using that information to have a richer conversation. The Birkman method is one reminder/tool I use to help leaders see that what is happening on the outside is not necessarily what is happening on the inside.

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