Succession planning

Making Succession Planning LESS Scary – 3 Reflections from my Key Note

Making Succession Planning LESS Scary – 3 Reflections from my Key Note

Addressing succession planning effectively requires a shift in perspective: from viewing it as an HR-driven process to a leader-driven, talent-focused process that can also be used to plan succession in key roles. Here are reflections from a recent key note workshop I led, and all of the materials I used to equip leaders to go back and lead the process with their people.

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8 Questions To Ask Before Starting Succession Planning

Succession planning is probably the most strategic talent management conversation, it is also the hardest. Here are 8 questions to ask before starting this key talent management process. The outcome of this talent management process should be a great conversation, but getting there requires clear expectations and knowing the barriers people have to overcome. Start with these 8.

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Succession Planning: Why We Don’t / 3 Reasons We Should

Succession planning is a key part of talent management. It is the ultimate uncomfortable discussion, but the one that says a lot about you as a leader for going through it. It is not the most critical talent management process, because it feeds off several other key processes. Here is the first in a series of posts on this topic – more to come, including trUTips #19.

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